
Auburn University Scientists Take Fat Out of Sausage

AUBURN, Ala.—Food scientists at Auburn University have developed a low-fat sausage, called AU Lean, that has 70 percent less fat and about half the calories of traditional pork sausage.

When cooked, AU Lean is nine percent fat, compared to 31 percent for traditional pork sausage. In addition to reduced fat, AU Lean contains only 96 calories per two-ounce serving, compared to 210 calories for a comparable serving of traditional pork sausage.

And best of all, for sausage lovers, AU Lean tastes great. The sausage has gotten rave reviews in two taste tests.
AU Lean will be available in patty, link and bulk pack form. Several major grocers are planning to market the sausage in the Southeast and Northeast. Numerous other food chains, restaurants and organizations have also expressed interest.

The Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station research team, headed by Dr. Dale Huffman, Auburn professor of meat science, previously developed AU Lean ground beef, which was adopted by McDonald's for its McLean Deluxe sandwich and is sold nationally by several large grocery chains.

"The challenge has been greater in making the low-fat sausage product than in making AU Lean ground beef," said Huffman. "A higher percentage of fat had to be replaced in the pork product, plus the final mix had to blend acceptably with the pork sausage seasonings."

As in AU Lean ground beef, use of carrageenan--a seaweed derivative that is widely used as a food additive--is the key to reducing fat content. In combination with added moisture, carrageenan keeps the low-fat sausage moist and texturally satisfying.

The potential benefits of AU Lean sausage and ground beef are astounding. "Using AU Lean formulations for all sausage and ground beef would reduce America's fat consumption by four to five pounds per person per year," Huffman said.

For additional information, contact Dale Huffman at Auburn University, 1-334-844-1517.


Gene Stevenson

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