
Liu Named to Research Post for Ag, AAES

AUBURN, Ala. — Zhanjiang (John) Liu, alumni professor in Auburn University’s Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures and one of the world's leading fish geneticists, has been named the first associate dean of research for the College of Agriculture and assistant director of the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station.

 In the new post, which he assumed Jan. 1, Liu is responsible for managing the administrative aspects of research for the college and the AAES.

A native of China, Liu holds a bachelor's degree in microbiology from Northwestern Agricultural University in China and a master's in plant pathology and Ph.D. in molecular and cellular biology, both from the University of Minnesota.

He joined the fisheries faculty at Auburn in 1995 as an assistant professor and since has built an internationally renowned program in fish molecular genetics and biotechnology. He is recognized globally as leader of the effort to map the genome, or complete genetic makeup, of the catfish, with the goal of creating an improved fish for catfish producers.

The director of AU’s Aquatic Genomics Unit, Liu also serves as coordinator of the National Aquaculture Genome Project.

His research has earned him numerous awards at Auburn, in the U.S. and abroad. Liu’s most recent honors include receiving AU’s 2007 Creative Research and Scholarship Award, election as a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and recognition by the Chinese Ministry of Education as one of that country’s most famous overseas professors.

He also serves as coordinator of China programs for the College of Agriculture’s Office of International Agriculture.


For immediate release

Office of Ag Communications & Marketing
Auburn University College of Agriculture
Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station
3 Comer Hall, Auburn University
Auburn, AL 36849

Contact:  Jamie Creamer, 334-844-2783 or jcreamer@auburn.edu

College of Agriculture | Auburn University | Auburn, Alabama 36849 | ☎ (334) 844-2345 |
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