Austin Hagan Professor
149 ALFA Building
(334) 844-5503
FAX (334) 844-4072 |
- Areas of Interest:
- The etiology and management of diseases of peanut, nursery and landscape crops, and turfgrasses, epidemiology of diseases of peanut, efficacy of fungicides, bactericides and natural products for the control of plant diseases, resistance of peanut, and woody trees and shrubs to diseases incited by fungi, bacteria, and viruses.
- Education:
- Ph.D., 1980, Plant
Pathology, The Ohio State University
- M.S., 1978, Plant Pathology, The Ohio State University
- B.S., 1975, Biology, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Professional Appointments:
- 1998 to present, Professor of Plant Pathology and Extension Plant Pathologist, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology.
- 1992 to 1998, Professor of Plant Pathology and Extension Plant Pathologist, Department of Plant Pathology.
- 1988 to 1992, Associate Professor and Extension Plant Pathologist, Department of Plant Pathology.
- 1986 to 1988, Extension Plant Pathologist, Department of Plant Pathology.
- 1980 to 1986, Extension Plant Pathologist, Pest Management Staff Group, Alabama Cooperative Extension Service.
- 1976 to 1980, Graduate Research and Teaching Associat, Department of Plant Pathology, The Ohio State University.
- Development and maintenance of educational programs relating
to the diagnosis of disorders, diseases and nematodes of peanut; forest
trees; golf courses, sod farms, commercial, and residential turfgrasses,
annuals, perennials, as well as woody trees and shrubs in production and
landscape settings, corn, and small grains.
- Diagnosis of diseases and disorders of peanut, forest trees, turfgrasses, ornamentals, corn, and small grains in the Plant Diagnostic Laboratory.
- Identify cultivars or selections of selected flowering shrubs and trees to common leaf spot and blight diseases incited by plant pathogenic fungi and bacteria.
- Screen natural and organic fungicides and bactericides for the control of leaf spot and blight diseases.
- Identify and describe new diseases on annuals, perennials, and woody plants.
- Assess the activity of experimental and registered fungicides for the control of leaf spot diseases, rust, southern blight, and Rhizoctonia limb rot on peanut.
- Evaluate the impact of cultivar selection and cropping practices
on the severity of peanut diseases and nematode pests.
Professional Societies:
Professional Service:
- Illustrations Committee, APS, 1987-1989.
- New Fungicide and Nematicide Data Committee, APS, 1989-1992.
- Ornamentals Section Editor, Fungicide and Nematicide Tests, APS 1986-2000.
- Member and Chair, Ornamental Disease Committee, APS, 1995-1997.
- Program Chair, APRES Annual Meeting, 1993.
- Editorial Committee, APRES, 1992-1994.
- Member and Chair, Bailey Award Committee, APRES, 1995-1997.
- Site Selection Committee, APRES, 1996-1999.
- President-elect, APRES, 1999.
Recent Selected Research Publications:
Book Chapters
- Hagan, A. K. 2000. Disease Resistance. In Compendium of Nursery Crop Diseases. R. Jones and M. Benson, eds. APS Press (in press).
- Hagan, A. K. and L. Barnes. 2000. Diseases of Photinia. In Compendium of Nursery Crop Diseases. R. Jones and M. Benson, eds. APS Press. (in press).
- Mizell, R. F. and A. K. Hagan. 1999. Biological Problems and their Management in Urban Soils: IPM of Arthropods and Diseases. Society of Agronomy (in press).
- Hagan, A. K. 1991. Sorghum Pests-Pest Management Systems for Disease Control. Pages 215-226, in CRC Handbook of Pest Management 2nd Edition, Vol. 3. D. Pimentel, ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Refereed Journal Articles
- Hagan, A. K. and J. M. Mullen, 2000. Occurrence of dogwood anthracnose, spot anthracnose, and Botrytis blight in native stands of flowering dogwood in North Alabama. J. Environ. Hort. 18: (submitted).
- Hagan, A. K. and J. W. Olive. 1999. Assessment of new fungicides for the control of southern blight of aucuba. J. Environ. Hort. 17(2):73-75.
- Guertal, E. A., E. J. Sikora, A. K. Hagan, and R. Rodriguez-Kabana. 1998. Effect of winter cover crops on populations of southern root-knot and reniform nematodes. Agriculture, Ecosystems, & Environment 70:1-6.
- Hagan, A. K., C. H. Gilliam, G. J. Keever, and J. D. Williams. 1998. Susceptibility of crapemyrtle cultivars to powdery mildew and Cercospora leaf spot in a simulated landscape planting in Alabama. J. Environ. Hort. 16: 143-146.
- Hagan, A. K., B. Hardin, C. H. Gilliam, G. J. Keever, J. D. Williams, and J. Eakes. 1998. Reaction of cultivars of several dogwood taxa to powdery mildew and spot anthracnose. J. Environ. Hort. 16:147-151.
- Bowen, K. L., A. K. Hagan, and J. R. Weeks. 1997. Number of tebuconazole applications for maximizing disease control and yield of peanut in grower fields in Alabama. Plant Dis. 81:927-931.
- Bowen, K. L. A. K. Hagan, and J. R. Weeks. 1996. Soil-borne pests of peanut in grower fields with different cropping histories in Alabama. Peanut Sci. 23:36-42.
Technical Reports
- Hagan, A. K. and J. R. Akridge. 1999. Agrimycin 17 controls fireblight on crabapple, 1998. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 54:553.
- Hagan, A. K. and J. R. Akridge. 1999. Susceptibility of selected ground cover and shrub roses to black spot and Cercospora leaf spot, 1998. Biological and Cultural Tests for the Control of Plant Diseases 14:71.
- Hagan, A. K. and J. R. Akridge. 1999. Survival of selected summer annuals and perennials in beds infested with Phytophthora parasitica, 1998. Biological and Cultural Tests for the Control of Plant Diseases 14: 74.
- Hagan, A. K., K. L. Bowen, J. E. Fajardo, L. Campbell, and L. Carter. 1999. Comparison of AU-PNUT expert system with standard programs for scheduling fungicide applications on peanut, 1998. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 54:389.
- Hagan, A. K., B. Gamble, and J. Bostick. 1999. Reaction of peanut cultivars to tomato spotted wilt, leaf spot diseases, and southern stem rot, 1998. Biological and Cultural Tests for the Control of Plant Diseases 14:79.
- Hagan, A. K., J. W. Olive, and L. C. Parrott, Jr. 1999. Impact of application rate and treatment interval on control of powdery mildew on hydrangea with Heritage, 1998. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 54:540.
Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Publications:
- Hagan, A. K. and J. R. Akridge. 1999. Foliar-applied fungicides fail to control Phytophthora shoot blight and root rot on annual vinca. Alabama Agri. Exp. Sta. Auburn University Ornamental Research
Report 14:37.
- Hagan, A. K. and J. M. Mullen. 1999. Occurrence of diseases in native stands of flowering dogwood in North Alabama. Alabama Agri. Exp. Sta. Bul. 639. 13 pp.
- Hagan, A. K., J. R. Akridge, and J. W. Olive. 1999. A
rose is not just a rose. Alabama Agri. Exp. Sta. Auburn University Highlights of Agricultural Research 46(3):18-20.
- Hagan, A. K. and J. R. Akridge. 1999. Fighting fireblight: Agrimycin provides control of fireblight on crabapple.
Alabama Agri. Exp. Sta. Auburn University Highlights of Agricultural Research
- Hagan, A. K., B. Hardin, C. H. Gilliam, G. J. Keever, D. Williams, J. Eakes. 1999. Meet the resistance: several flowering dogwood cultivars resist spot anthracnose
and powdery mildew. Alabama Agri. Exp. Sta. Auburn University Highlights
of Agricultural Research 46(1):14-16.
Selected Extension Publications:
Recent Book Chapters
- Hagan, A. K. 1999. Disease and nematode control on commercial turf and lawns. Pages 89-100 in 1999 Alabama Pest Management Handbook, Vol. 2. Al. Coop. Ext. Ser. Cir. ANR-500B.
- Hagan, A. K. 1999. Disease control on commercial ornamentals.
Pages 145-274 in 1999 Alabama Pest Management Handbook, Vol. 2. Al. Coop.
Ext. Ser. Cir. ANR-500B.
- Hagan, A. K. 1999. Disease and nematode management on
peanut. Pages 172-177 in 1999 Alabama Pest Management Handbook, Vol. 1.
Al. Coop. Ext. Ser. Cir. ANR-500A.
- Hagan, A. K. 1995. Chemical control guide for ornamentals. Al. Coop. Ext. Serv. ANR-912.
- Hagan, A. K. 1994. Diseases of ornamentals. Pages 64-70. In Commercial Pesticide Applicator Study Manual: Ornamentals and Turf Pest
Control. Al. Coop. Ext. Ser. ANR-796.
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Plant Pathology Timely Information Series
- Hagan, A. K. 1999. Common diseases of juniper in Alabama. PP-470.
- Hagan, A. K. 1999. Diseases of tall fescue lawns and sod. PP-468.
- Hagan, A. K. 1999. Timing fungicide applications for the control of white mold on peanut. PP-463.
- Hagan, A. K. 1999. Sensitivity of selected cultivars of ground cover and shrub roses to black spot and Cercospora leaf spot. PP-460.
- Hagan, A. K., K. Bowen, J. R. Weeks, and B. Gamble. 1999. Comparison of banded and broadcast applications of Folicur and Abound for the control of leaf spot diseases and southern stem rot on peanut, 1998 Progress Report - Wiregrass Substation. PP-457.
Austin Hagan's Online Publications

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