College of Agriculture > Entomology and Plant Pathology > Directory > Faculty > Hu > Lab
Current Students
Zeng Yuan, Ph.D.
Dissertation Research: Immunology in Subterranean Termites |

Leona (Liu) Yang, Ph.D.
Semiochemical-based management stratergy for invasive kudzu bug, M. cribraria

Julian Golec, M.S.
Thesis Research: Biology and management of the invasive Kudzu bug |

Marta Barba Recreo, M.S.
Resident, Equine Internal Medicine
Thesis: Transmission of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis in horse by house flies |

Znar Barwary, Ph.D.
Dissertation Research: Effects of termite behaviors and insecticide application protocol on control efficacy

David Pugh, D.V.M. and M.Ag. Veterinary Entomology
Former Students
- Hao Wu, M.S. 2013. Co-advisor. Currently a Technical Assistant at IntelliSurvey in Los Angeles. Thesis Tiel: Instar determination, temperature effects on the growth, and parental care in Dubia Cockroach
- Juliana Xu, M.S. 2012. Co-advisor. Currently a Ph.D. candidate at University of Florida. Thesis Title: Feedign ecology of pest mole crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae: Scpteriscus spp.) and associated damage to turfgrass.
- Charles Donald Robert Stephen, M.S. 2012. Major Professor. Currently a Ph.D. candidate at Department of Biology, Auburn University. Thesis Title: Alabama Rhinotermitidae: nomenclature, identification, survey and swarming phenology
- Franklin Quarcoo. Ph.D. 2009. Major Professor. Currently a Research Associate at Tuskegee University, USA. Dissertation Title: Behavioral toxicology of non-repellent termiticides in subterranean termites management.
- Dunlun Song, Ph.D. 2007. Co-Professor. Currently Vice Chair and Associate Professor in Department of Entomology, China Agricultural University, China.
- Edward T. Snoddy, Ph.D. 2012.
Last Updated: June 29, 2014