
To address the important insecticide resistance issues, my research group has focused our studies on:

  1. The mechanisms, genes, and polymorphisms involved in insecticide resistance on a genomic scale
  2. Physiological functions of the genes and polymorphisms involved in insecticide resistance
  3. The molecular and genetic bases of resistant gene interaction and regulation
  4. The evolution of the expression and/or codon usage bias of resistance genes following insecticide selection

The accomplishment of these research objectives will not only elucidate mechanisms of insecticide resistance, but will also inform the development of novel means to control insect pests. Our ultimate goal of research is to improve insect pest management.

Liu Research

Last Updated: February 24, 2012

Department of Entomology & Plant Pathology | 301 Funchess Halll | Auburn University | Auburn, Alabama 36849
☎ (334) 844-5006 | FAX (334) 844-5005 |
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