Professional Experience:October 2000 - Present; Extension Entomologist/Associate Professor, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama. January 1995 - October 2000; Extension Entomologist/Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama. March - December 1995; Research Associate, Department of Entomology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. August 1989 - February 1994; Research Associate, Department of Entomology, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota.
Jamee Brandhorst (major advisor), M.S. received 2000. Research involved validation of acoustic monitoring tools for soil insects, and green June beetle site preference for feeding and oviposition. Buyung Asmara Ratna Hadi, Ph.D., Spring 2006-present. Research involves aphids and epidemiology of barley yellow dwarf virus.
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Research Publications Flanders, K.L. and S.L. Brown. 2005. Fumigating Agricultural Commodities with Phosphone. Alabama Cooperative Extension System Circular ARN-1154, Revised. http://www.aces.edu/pubs/docs/A/ANR-1154/ Flanders, K.L., S. Porter, and D. Oi. 2005. Biological control of imported fire ants. Alabama Cooperative Extension System Circular ANR-1149. Revised. http://www.aces.edu/pubs/docs/A/ANr-1149/ Flanders, K.L. and S.L. Brown. 2005. Fumigating Agricultural Commodities with Phospine. ACES Circular ANR-1154. Buntin, G. D., K. L. Flanders, R. W. Slaughter. and Z. D. DeLamar. 2004.
Damage loss assessment and control of the cereal leaf beetle (Coleoptera:
Chrysomelidae) in winter wheat using insecticides. J. Econ. Entomol. 97:374-382. Buntin, G D., K. L. Flanders, and R. Lynch. 2004. Assessment of experimental
Bt events against fall armyworm and corn earworm in field corn. J. Econ.
Entomol. 97:259-264. Zhang, M., R. L. Crocker, R. W. Mankin, K. L. Flanders, and J. L. Brandhorst-Hubbard.
2003. Acoustic identification and measurement of activity patterns of
white grubs in soil. J. Econ. Entomol. 96: 1704-1710. Zhang, M., R. L. Crocker, R. W. Mankin, K. L. Flanders, and J. L. Brandhorst-Hubbard.
2003. Acoustic estimation of infestations and population densities of
white grubs (Coleoptera: Scarabeidae) in turfgrass. J. Econ. Entomol.
96: 1770-1779. Bowen, K.L., J. F. Murphy, K. L. Flanders, P. L. Mask, and R. Li. 2003. Incidence of viruses infecting winter wheat in Alabama. Plant Disease 87: 288-293 Brandhorst-Hubbard, J. L., K. L. Flanders, R. W. Mankin, E. A. Guertal,
and R. L. Crocker. 2001. Mapping of soil insect infestations sampled by
excavation and acoustic methods. J. Econ. Entomol. 94: 1452-1458. Brandhorst-Hubbard, J. L., K. L. Flanders, and A. G. Appel. 2001. Oviposition site and food preference of the green June beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 94: 628-633. Mankin, R. W., J. Brandhorst-Hubbard, K. L. Flanders, M. Zhang, R. L.
Crocker, S. L. LaPointe, C. W. McCoy, J. R. Fisher, and D. K. Weaver.
2000. Eavesdropping on insects hidden in soil and interior structures
of plants. J. Econ. Entomol. 93: 1173-1182. Flanders, K. L., Z. D. DeLamar, and P. K. Lago. 2000. Phyllophaga and related species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) collected in black-light traps in Alabama pastures. J. Entomol. Sci. 35: 311-326. Flanders, K. L., and E. B. Radcliffe. 2000. Phenology of the alfalfa weevil and its associated parasitoids in Minnesota. J. Entomol. Sci. 35: 227-238. Ratcliffe, R. H., S. E. Cambron, K. L. Flanders, N. A. Bosque-Perez, S. L. Clement, and H. W. Ohm. 2000. Biotype composition of Hessian fly (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) populations from the southeastern, mid-western, and northwestern United States and virulence to resistance genes in wheat. J. Econ. Entomol. 93: 1319-1328. Shields, E., A. Testa, J. Miller, and K. Flanders. 1999. Field efficacy and persistence of the entomopathogenic nematodes Heterorhabditis bacteriophora 'Oswego' and H. bacteriophora 'NC' on alfalfa snout beetle larvae. Environ. Entomol. 28: 128-136. Radcliffe, E. B., and K. L. Flanders. 1998. Biological control of alfalfa weevil in North America. IPM Reviews 3: 225-242. Flanders, K. L., E. B. Radcliffe, and J. G. Hawkes. 1997. Geographic distribution of insect resistance in potatoes. Euphytica 93: 201-221. Radcliffe, E. B., and K. L. Flanders. 1998. Biological control of alfalfa weevil in North America, IPM Reviews 3: 225-242. Flanders, K. L., E. B. Radcliffe, and S. Arnone. 1998. The potato: genetic resources and insect resistance, pp. 207-239 in Global Resources in Insect Resistance, S. L. Clement and S. S. Quisenberry, eds. CRC press, Boca Raton, FL Extension Publications: Flanders, K. L., and D. Ball. 2005. Controlling Insect Pests during Stand Establishment of Forage Legumes, Alabama Cooperative Extension System Circular ANR-1133, 4 p. Flanders, K.L. and S.L. Brown. 2005. Fumigating Agricultural Commodities with Phosphine. ACES Circular ANR-1154. Flanders, K. L., S. Porter, and D. Oi. 2005. Biological control of imported
fire ants. Alabama Cooperative Extension System Circular ANR-1149, Revised. Flanders, K. 2005. 2004 Fire Ant Control Materials for Alabama Homeowners.
Alabama Cooperative Extension System Circular ANR-175-a. Flanders, K. L. and B. M. Drees. 2004. Management of Imported Fire Ants
in Cattle Production Systems. Alabama Cooperative Extension System Circular
ANR-1248. Flanders, K. 2003. Imported Fire Ants in Lawns, Turf, and Structures.
Alabama Cooperative Extension System Circular ANR-175, Revised. Flanders, K. L., and L. Graham. 2003. Getting the most out of your fire
ant bait application. Alabama Cooperative Extension System Circular ANR-1161,
Revised. Drees, B. M., C. L. Barr, S. B. Vinson, R. E. Gold, M. E. Merchant, N. Riggs, B. Hickman, P. Nester, D. Kostroum, B. Sparks, D. Pollet, D. Shanklin, K. Loftin, K. Vail. K. Flanders, P. Horton, D. Oi, P. Koehler, and R. Wright. 2002. Managing imported fire ants in urban areas. B-6043 revised. Texas Cooperative Extension. Flanders, K. L., and R. H. Smith. 2001. Identifying caterpillars in field,
forage, and horticultural crops, Circular ANR-1121, 8 p. revised. Flanders, K. L., W. Foshee, R. Smith, and J. Everest. 2001. Biological
control of musk thistle, Alabama Cooperative Extension System Circular
ANR-1034, . 5 p..revised. Flanders, K. L., P. L. Mask, and G. D. Buntin. 2001. Management of cereal
leaf beetles: pests of small grains. Alabama Cooperative Extension System
Circular ANR-984 2 p. revised. Flanders, K. L., G. D. Buntin and P. L. Mask. 2000. Biology and management
of Hessian fly in wheat. Alabama Cooperative Extension System Circular
ANR-1069 4 p. revised.
Flanders, K. L., D. M. Ball. and P. P. Cobb. 2001. Management of fall
armyworm in pastures and hayfields. Alabama Cooperative Extension System
Circular ANR-1019, revised. Flanders, K. L. and P. P. Cobb. 2000. Biology and Control of the green
June beetle. Alabama Cooperative Extension System Circular ANR-991 4 p.
Flanders, K. L., S. Brown, R. A. Shelby, and P. L. Mask. 1998. IPM Tactics
for On-Farm Stored Grain, Alabama Cooperative Extension System Circular
ANR-1126, 6 p. van Riessen, H., P. Mask, J. Murphy, W. Gazaway, and K. Flanders. 1998.
Barley yellow dwarf virus in small grains, Alabama Cooperative Extension
System Circular ANR-1082, 4pp.
Green June Beetle (Cotinis nitida) Courtesy of Pat Cobb