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Ronald H. Smith

Emeritus Professor

205 Extension Hall
(334) 844-6394

Areas of Interest:

Cotton Pest Management, management of arthropod pests of soybeans, aerial   application of pesticides, training of cotton scouts and private consultants.




            B.S., 1964, Agricultural Science, Auburn University.

            M.S., 1966, Agronomy and Soils, Auburn University.

            Ph.D., 1970, Entomology, Auburn University.


Department and Professional Responsibilities:


            Coordinator, Alabama Cotton Pest Management Program, 1972-present.

            Acting Head, Pest Management Staff Group, 1976-77.

            Interim Head, Department of Entomology, Auburn University, 1986-87.

            Past Vice-Chairperson, Beltwide Technical Advisory Committee for the Boll

                        Weevil Eradication Program.

            Past Member, ESA Awards Committee for the Distinguished Achievement Award

                        In Extension.

            Chair, Section E, Entomological Society of America, 1985.

            Member, 24-C Committee for review of State Pesticide Labels and FIFRA

                        Section 18 Emergency Use Requests.




Outstanding Extension Entomologist, SEB-ESA, 1978.

ACES Award for Excellence in Agriculture, 1979.

Honorary Member, Alabama Agricultural Aviation Assoc., 1987.

Award for Excellence in Outreach and Extension, Auburn University, 1995.

Deans Award for Outstanding Contribution to Agriculture, 1997.

Distinguished Achievement Award in Extension, SEB-ESA, 2001.




Symposia and Conference Publications (1972-2002): 41.

Articles Published in Regional/National Agricultural Media (1972-1996): 595.

Contributions to National Agricultural Media (1996-2002): 129.

Papers Presented at Symposia, Workshops, Conferences, and Professional Meetings (1972-2002): 229.


Relevant Publications:


Smith, Ronald H. and Wiley C. Johnson. 1969. �Effect of Boron on White Clover Nectar Production,� Journal of Crop Science, Vol. 9. January-February.


Smith, Ronald H. and Max H. Bass. 1972. �Survey of Heliothis spp. Infestations in Soybeans in Alabama,� Journal of Economic Entomology, Vol. 64, No. e, pp. 767-769


Smith, Ronald H. and Max H. Bass. 1972. �Soybean Response to Various Levels of Podworm, Heliothis Zea, Damage,� Journal of Economic Entomology, Vol. 65, No. 1, February, pp. 193-195.


Smith, Ronald H. and Max. H. Bass. 1972. �Relationship of Artificial Pod Removal to Soybean Yields,� Journal of Economic Entomology, Vol. 65, No. 2, April, pp. 606-608.


Smith, Ronald H. 1974. �Alabama Cotton Pest Management Program,� Abstract, Journal Alabama Academy of Science, Vol. 45, No. 3.


Boutwell, John L. and Ronald H. Smith. 1981. �A New Concept in Evaluation Integrated Pest Management Programs,� Bulletin of the Entomological Society of America, XXVII (June), pp. 117-18.


Ronald H. Smith, John L. Boutwell, and James W. Allen, 1983. �Evaluating Practice Adoption: One Approach,� Journal of Extension, Vol. XXI, Sept./Oct., p. 34-39.


Ron H. Smith. 1998. �Pest Problems � The Impact of Bollgard Technology and Boll Weevil Eradication on Cotton IPM in Alabama,� Highlights of Agricultural Research, Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, Vol. 45, No. 4.




Cotton Insects and Mites: Characterization and Management. The Cotton Foundation Reference Book Series No. 3. �Insect and Mite Pest Management in the Southeast.� NCC of America, Memphis, TN, Ron H. Smith, Contributing Author.


Boll Weevil Eradication in the United States Through 1999. The Cotton Foundation Reference Book Series No. 6. �Boll Weevil Eradication in Alabama,� National Cotton Council of America, Memphis, TN. Ron H. Smith, Contributing Author.


Extension Publications


Smith, Ronald H. �Managing Cotton Insects.� Circular ANR-409. 1974. Cooperative Extension Service, Auburn University.


Ron H. Smith; et. al., Integrated Pest Management Programs for the State Cooperative Extension Services � Future Priorities. 1978. A Report of the Extension Committee on Policy, ES-USDA, Washington, D.C.


Smith, Ronald H. �Cotton Pest Management in the Southern United States.� 1981. ACES Circular 194, Auburn University. Served as chairman of writing committee and prepared much of section on cotton insect management in the South.


Smith, Ronald H., Barry Freeman and Wheeler Foshee, �Soybean Loopers: Late Season Foliage Feeders on Cotton,� Ala. Ext. Circular ANR-843, June 1994.


Smith, Ronald H. and Barry L. Freeman, �Alabama Plan for the Management of Beet Armyworms,� Ala. Ext. Circular ANR-842, May 1994.


Smith, Ronald H. and Barry L. Freeman, �Fall Armyworms: Consistent Cotton Pests,� Ala. Ext. Circular ANR-892, August 1994.


Smith, Ronald H. �Stink Bugs: New Economic Pests of Cotton,� Ala. Ext. Circular ANR-882, August 1994.


Smith, Ronald H. and Barry L. Freeman. �European Corn Borers,� ACES Circular ANr-900, May 1995.


Leonard, Roger and Ronald Smith. �IPM and Environmental Impacts of Bt Cotton � A New Era of Crop Protection and Consumer Benefits.� 2000. Monsanto Corp., St. Louis, MO.


For additional information rhsmith@acesag.auburn.edu

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