Lee I. Chiba, Ph.D.

Department of Animal Sciences
303C Upchurch Hall
Auburn University
, AL 36849-5415

Phone: (334) 844-1560

Fax: 334-844-1519

Email: chibale@auburn.edu




$ ANSC 3400 - Animal Nutrition

$ ANSC 4000 - Modern Livestock Systems

$ ANSC 4070 - Swine Production

$ ANSC 7410 - Nonruminant Nutrition

$ ANSC 8410 - Vitamin and Mineral Metabolism



Growing Pig Nutrition:

$ Dietary manipulations to improve leanness and efficiency of growing pigs and eating quality of pork.

Sow Nutrition:

$ Nutritional management to improve reproductive performance of sows.



Chiba, L. I. (Ed.) 2013. Sustainable Swine Nutrition. Wiley-Blackwell, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ (e.g., http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0813805341.html)

Swine Nutrition Research

Animal Nutrition Handbook (PDF Files)

Swine Production Handbook (PDF Files)

Nonruminant Nutrition Handbook (PDF Files - Unrevised)

Vitamin and Mineral Metabolism Handbook (Under Construction!)



1. Education and Work Experience:

B.S., M.S., and Ph.D., Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor, Auburn University.

Research and Teaching Assistant (Teaching Assistant for a few semesters), Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Manager, Merchant Homestead, Inc., Polk, NE (a 500-sow farrow-to-finish pig operation with crop production).

2. Teaching Program:

A. Courses Responsible:

Animal Nutrition (ANSC 3400; Undergraduate).

Modern Livestock Systems [ANSC 4000 (Swine Section); Undergraduate].

Swine Production (ANSC 4070; Undergraduate).

Nonruminant Nutrition (ANSC 7410; Graduate).

Vitamin and Mineral Metabolism (ANSC 8410; Graduate).

B. Teaching Materials:

Developed and revised a comprehensive handbook for each course:

Animal Nutrition Handbook. 2nd Revision. (Twenty sections with 548 pages.)

Swine Production Handbook. 12th Revision. (Sixteen sections with 200 pages.)

Nonruminant Nutrition Handbook. 7th Revision. (Eight sections with 251 pages.)

Vitamin and Mineral Metabolism Handbook. 5th Revision. (Eight sections with 330 pages.)

All handbooks, except "Vitamin and Mineral Handbook," are also available online.

C. Other Contributions:

Serving as an academic advisor for about 40 to 50 undergraduate students.

Directing a graduate program for graduate students, and serving as a member of the advisory committee for graduate students.

Serving as an outside reader/Graduate School representative for Ph.D. students in other departments.

3. Research Programs:

Research Emphasis

Nutritional manipulations to improve leanness and efficiency of growing pigs, and their implications on the environment and pork quality.

Nutritional management to improve reproductive efficiency of sows.

4. Professional Activities:

Section Editor - Invited and accepted to serve as a Section Editor of Livestock Science. Officially assumed the position in November of 2009 (2009 to present).

Division Editor - Invited and accepted to serve as a Division Editor of Journal of Animal Science, official journal of American Society of Animal Science. Officially assumed the position in September of 2009 (first term) and supervising five Associate Editors. Currently, serving the second term (2011 to present).

"Book Editor" - Invited by the publisher (Wiley-Balckwell/John Wiley & Sons) to compile/edit a book on swine nutrition and agreed. Developed the outline for the book entitled "Sustainable Swine Nutrition." 18 chapters with 35 authors, and published in 2012 (copyrighted in 2013).

"Associate Editor" - Invited and served as an Associate Editor of Journal of Animal Science (2005 to 2007, and 2007 to present).

"National Award Committee" - Nominated and served as a member of the Morrison Award Committee for the American Society of Animal Science (2007 to 2008; 2008 to 2009).

"National Nonruminant Nutrition Program Committee" - Nominated and served as a member of the Nonruminant Nutrition Program Committee for the American Society of Animal Science (2002 to 2005). Served as Vice Chair and Chair of the committee for the 2004 and 2005 joint meetings, respectively.

"Editorial Board" - Nominated and served as a member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Animal Science for thee terms (1994 to 1997, 2000 to 2003, and 2003 to 2005).

"Ad Hoc Reviewer" - Invited and serving as an ad hoc reviewer for Journal of Animal Science, Animal Science (official journal of the British Society of Animal Science until a few years ago), Livestock Production Science (official journal of the European Association for Animal Production until a few years ago), Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Professional Animal Scientists, Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Animal Science, Iranian Journal of Animal Science, and Animal. Also, serving as a ad hoc reviewer for Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, NIFA, USDA, and National Research Foundation of South Africa.

"National Award Committee" - Nominated and served as a member of American Feed Industry Association Nonruminant Research Award Committee for the American Society of Animal Science (1994 to 1995).

"Scientific Meetings" - Asked and served as Chair of three Nonruminant Nutrition sessions (1991, 1992, & 1994) and one Management and Production session (1995) at the national and regional meetings of the American Society of Animal Science.

"Multi-State Technical Committee" - Serving as a Multi-State Research Technical Committee member since 1990. Served as Secretary, Vice Chair, and Chair of the committee.

"Book, and Invited Book Chapters and Paper:"

Invited by the publisher (Wiley-Balckwell, A John Wiley & Sons) to compile a book on swine nutrition, completed the project in 2012 and published the book in 2012/2013.

Invited by the Feedinfo News Service, Global Data Systems (ISSN 1777-5566), to contribute an article on "Early dietary amino acid restrictions, compensatory growth, and physical and sensory characteristics of pork" for their Scientific Review Section.

Invited by the editors to contribute two chapters ("Feedstuffs: Protein Sources" & "By-Product Feeds: Animal Origin") to Encyclopedia of Animal Science, which were published by Taylor & Francis in 2010.

Invited by the Feedinfo News Service, Global Data Systems (ISSN 1777-5566), to contribute an article on "Compensatory growth and nitrogen balance" for their Scientific Review Section.

Invited by the editors and contributed an entry ("Feedstuffs: Protein Sources") to Encyclopedia of Animal Science (ISBN 0-8247-4796-8), which was published by Marcel Dekker in 2004 (copyrighted in 2005).

Invited by the editors and contributed an entry ("By-Product Feeds: Animal Origin") to Encyclopedia of Animal Science (ISBN 0-8247-4796-8), which was published by Marcel Dekker in 2004 (copyrighted in 2005).

Invited to contribute an entry to the 2003 Edition of "Animal Health and Production Compendium (ISSN 1477-2094 & ISSN 1477-2086)" which was published by CAB International in 2003.

Invited by the editors and contributed a chapter ("Protein Supplements") to the book entitled Swine Nutrition (ISBN 0-8493-0696-5), which was published by CRC Press in 2001.

Invited by the editors and contributed a chapter ("Feeding Systems for Pigs") to the book entitled Feeding Systems and Feed Evaluation Models (ISBN 0-85199-346-X), which was published by CABI Publishing in 2000.

5. Selected Publications Since 2000:

A. Book and Invited Book Chapters & Paper

Chiba, L. I. (Ed.) 2013. Sustainable Swine Nutrition. Wiley-Blackwell, A John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ. (http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0813805341.html)

Kamalakar, R. B., and L. I. Chiba. 2010. Early dietary amino acid restrictions and subsequent and overall pig performance and physical and sensory characteristics of pork. Feedinfo News Service Scientific Review, Global Data Systems. Available at: http://www.feedinfo.com.

Chiba, L. I. 2010. Feedstuffs: Protein sources. Pages 416-421. Encyclopedia of Animal Science. 2nd. ed. W. G. Pond, D. E. Ullrey, and C. Kirk-Baer, ed. Taylor & Francis, New York.

Chiba, L. I. 2010. By-product feeds: Animal origin. Pages 169-174 in Encyclopedia of Animal Science. 2nd. ed. W. G. Pond, D. E. Ullrey, and C. Kirk-Baer, ed. Taylor & Francis, New York.

Fabian, J., and L. I. Chiba. 2005. Dietary amino acid restrictions, compensatory growth, and nitrogen balance in grower-finisher pigs. Feedinfo News Service Scientific Review. Global Data Systems. Available at: http://www.feedinfo.com.

Chiba, L. I. 2004. Feedstuffs: Protein Sources. Pages 393-397 in Encyclopedia of Animal Science. W. G. Pond, and A. W. Bell, ed. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.

Chiba, L. I. 2004. By-Product Feeds: Animal Origin. Pages 180-183 in Encyclopedia of Animal Science. W. G. Pond, and A. W. Bell, ed. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York

Chiba, L. I. 2003. Feeding System for Pigs. In: Animal Health and Production Compendium, 2003 Edition. 29 pages. CAB International, Wallingford.

Chiba, L. I. 2001. Protein supplements. Pages 803-837 in Swine Nutrition. 2nd ed. A. J. Lewis, and L. L. Southern, ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton.

Chiba, L. I. 2000. Feeding systems for pigs. Pages 189-209 in Feeding Systems and Feed Evaluation Models. M. Theodorou, and J. France, ed. CABI Publishing, Wallingford.

B. Refereed Journal Articles

Huang, C., L. I. Chiba, W. E. Magee, Y. Wang, D. A. Griffing, I. M. Torres, S. P. Rodning, C. L. Bratcher, W. G. Bergen, and E. A. Spangler. 2019. Effect of flaxseed oil, animal fat, and vitamin E supplementation on growth performance, serum metabolites, and carcass characteristics of finisher pigs, and physical characteristics of pork. Livest. Sci. 220:143-151.


Christina M. Schmidt, Lee I. Chiba, and Wendy R. Hood, 2018. The effects of parity and litter size on bone metabolic activity in pregnant and lactating sows. J. Anim. Physiol. Anim. Nutr. doi: 10.1111/jpn.12958.


Hemati Matin, H. R.. F. Shariatmadari, M. A. Karimi Torshizi, and L. I. Chiba. 2018. Effect of dietary fiber sources on in vitro mineral binding capacity, growth performance, mineral digestibility, tibia and intestinal characteristics in broiler chickens. Eur. Poult. Sci. 82, 2018. doi: 10.1399/eps.2018.250.


Carter, S. D., M. D. Lindemann, L. I. Chiba, M. J. Estienne, and G. J. M. M. Lima. 2018. Effects of inclusion of spray-dried porcine plasma in lactation diets on sow and liter performance. Livest. Sci. 216:32-35. doi: 10.1016/j.livsci.2018.05.007.


Wang, Y., L.I. Chiba, C. Huang, I.M. Torres, L. Wang, E.G. Welles. 2018. Effect of diet complexity, multi-enzyme complexes, essential oils, and benzoic acid on weanling pigs. Livest. Sci. 209:32-38.


Yin, D., J. Yuan, Y. Guo, and L. I. Chiba. 2017. Effect of storage time on the characteristics of corn and efficiency of its utilization in broiler chickens. Anim. Nutr. 3:252-257.

Adhikari, C.K., L.I. Chiba, S.D. Brotzge, M.S. Vieira, C. Huang, W.G. Bergen, C.L. Bratcher, S.P. Rodning, E.G. Welles. 2017. Early dietary amino acid restrictions and flaxseed oil supplementation on the leanness of pigs and quality of pork: Growth performance, serum metabolites, carcass characteristics, and physical and sensory characteristics of pork. Livest. Sci. 198:182-190.

H. R. Hemati Matin, F. Shariatmadari, M. A. Karimi Torshizi, and L. I. Chiba. 2016. In vitro bile acid binding capacity of dietary fiber and their effects with bile acid on broiler chicken performance and lipid digestibility. Br. Poult. Sci. 57:348-357.

Vieira, M. S., A. M. L. Ribeiro, A. M. Kessler, L. I. Chiba, and L. Bockor. 2015. Performance and body composition of light and heavy early-weaning piglets subject to different dietary energy levels. Livest. Sci. 178:272-278.

Brotzge, S. D., L. I. Chiba, C. K. Adhikari, H. H. Stein, S. P. Rodning, and E. G. Welles. 2014. Complete replacement of soybean meal in pig diets with hydrolyzed feather meal with blood by amino acid supplementation based on standardized ileal amino acid digestibility. Livest. Sci. 163:85-93.

Sulabo, R. C., L. I. Chiba, F. N. Almeida, S. D. Brotzge, R. L. Payne, and H. H. Stein. 2013. Amino acid and phosphorus digestibility and concentration of digestible and metabolizable energy in hydrolyzed feather meal fed to growing pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 91:5829-5837.

Kamalakar, R. B., L. I. Chiba, K. C. Divakala, S. P. Rodning, E. G. Welles, W. G. Bergen, C. R. Kerth, D. L. Kuhlers, and N. Nadarajah. 2009. Effect of the degree and duration of early dietary amino acid restrictions on subsequent and overall pig performance and physical and sensory characteristics of pork. J Anim. Sci. 87:3596-3606.

Divakala, K. C., L. I. Chiba, R. B. Kamalakar, S. P. Rodning, E. G. Welles, K. A. Cummins, J. Swann, F. Cespedes, and R. L. Payne. 2009. Amino acid supplementation of hydrolyzed feather meal diets for finisher pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 87:1270-1281.

Lindemann, M. D., J. H. Brendemuhl, L. I. Chiba, C. S. Darroch, C. R. Dive, M. J. Estienne, and A. F. Harper. 2008. A regional evaluation of injections of high levels of vitamin A on reproductive performance of sows. J. Anim. Sci. 86:333-338.

Mule, H. R., L. I. Chiba, J. Fabian, D. L. Kuhlers, S. B. Jungst, L. T. Frobish, K. Nadarajah, W. G. Bergen, and E. G. Welles. 2006. Effect of early dietary amino acid restrictions on serum metabolites in pigs selected for lean growth efficiency. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 86:489-500.

Fan, M. Z., L. I. Chiba, P. D. Matzat, X. Yang, Y. L. Yin, Y. Mine, and H. H. Stein. 2006. Measuring synthesis rates of nitrogen-containing polymers by using stable isotope tracers. J. Anim. Sci. 84(E. Suppl.):E79-E93.

Mahan, D. C., E. P. Berg, J. H. Brendemuhl, S. D. Carter, L. I. Chiba, et al. 2005. Comparison of dietary selenium fed to grower-finisher pigs from various regions of the United States on resulting tissue Se and loin mineral concentrations. J. Anim. Sci. 83:852-857.

Fabian Janos, Lee I. Chiba, Daryl L. kuhlers, Lowell T. Frobish, and Nada K. Nadarajah. 2004. Szelekcio a hatekony szinhustermelesre es a takarmany aminosav-tartalmanak hatasa a sertesek termelesere. Allattenyesztes es Takarmanyozas (Hungarian Journal of Animal Production) 53:223-237.

Lindemann, M. D., S. D. Carter, L. I. Chiba, C. R. Dove, L. L. Southern, and S-288 Committee on Nutritional Systems for Swine to Increase Reproductive Efficiency. 2004. A regional evaluation of chromium tripicolinate supplementation in sows. J. Anim. Sci. 82:2972-2977.

Fabian, J., L. I. Chiba, L. T. Frobish, W. H. McElhenny, D. L. Kuhlers, and K. Nadarajah. 2004. Compensatory growth and nitrogen balance in grower-finisher pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 82:2579-2587.

Fabian, J., L. I. Chiba, D. L. Kuhlers, L. T. Frobish, K. Nadarajah, and W. H. McElhenny. 2003. Growth performance, dry matter and nitrogen digestibilities, serum profile, and carcass and meat quality of pigs with distinct genotypes. J. Anim. Sci. 81:1142-1149.

Cromwell, G. L, J. H. Brendemuhl, L. I. Chiba, et al. 2003. Variability in mixing efficiency and in laboratory analyses of a common diet mixed at 25 experiment stations. J. Anim. Sci. 81:484-491.

Fabian, J., L. I. Chiba, D. L. Kuhlers, L. T. Frobish, K. Nadarajah, C. R. Kerth, W. H. McElhenney, and A. J. Lewis. 2002. Degree of amino acid restrictions during the grower phase and compensatory growth in pigs selected for lean growth efficiency. J. Anim. Sci. 80:2610-2618.

Chiba, L. I., D. L. Kuhlers, L. T. Frobish, S. B. Jungst, E. J. Huff-Lonergan, S. M. Lonergan, and K. A. Cummins. 2002. Effect of dietary restrictions on growth performance and carcass traits of pigs selected for lean growth efficiency. Livest. Prod. Sci. 74:93-102.