Dr. James (Barry) Grand, [contact] Unit
Leader, Professor of Wildlife Science. Dr. Grand has
been the Leader of the Alabama Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit since
1998. His research interests lie mainly in the area of avian ecology
and population dynamics. Barry received degrees from Louisiana State,
Auburn, and Texas A&M
universities before moving to Alaska, where, for 10 years, he studied
waterfowl as a research biologist at the
Alaska Science Center. His research in Alaska took him from the Arctic
Ocean to the tip of the Alaska Peninsula. Along the way he conducted
extensive research on Northern
Pintail, Long-tailed Duck, Dusky Canada Goose, and Spectacled Eider.
After returning to Auburn, he led graduate students
to the Arctic to study molting Long-tailed Duck in the coastal lagoons
of the Beaufort Sea and Dusky Canada Geese on the Copper River
Delta. He is an active member of the Eider Recovery Team, which makes
recommendations on Spectacled and Steller’s Eider
In recent years, his research interests have
been focused nearer to
his home in Alabama. He was the principal investigator for the
Alabama Gap Analysis Project, and a
co-Investigator in the Southeast
Regional Gap Analysis Project. He
conducted research on Northern Bobwhite in
south Alabama, and is developing a statewide survey to estimate Eastern
Wild Turkey populations.
His current research includes developing inventory and monitoring
programs, and management
recommendations for species of greatest conservation need on
state-owned lands in
Alabama. He works closely with the East
Coastal Plain and Atlantic Coast
Joint Ventures to develop plans for
strategic conservation
of bird populations and is a Co-PI for the USGS Southeast Regional Assessment Project
examining the possible effects of climate change on wildlife
Dr. Conor
P. McGowan, [contact] Assistant Leader, Assistant Professor
of Wildlife Science. Dr. McGowan
completed his Ph.D. in 2008 at the University of Missouri working with
Dr. Mark Ryan on Piping Plover population modeling in the Great Plains.
Previously he completed a MS degree in zoology at North Carolina State
University, studying American Oystercatcher
ecology and conservation with Dr. Ted Simons, and, before that, a B.S.
in biology at Wake Forest University. Following graduate school he
worked as a post-doc at the Patuxent
Wildlife Research Center with Drs. Jim Nichols and Dave Smith
developing an
adaptive management strategy for Horseshoe Crab harvests in the
Delaware Bay
constrained by Red Knot conservation needs.